Mark Horowitz’s slides:
What a doctor/mental health professional needs to know about antidepressant withdrawal and safe tapering
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Thursday 7 April at 18−20.00 GMT+2
Presentations in English
Discussion in English and Finnish
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Keynote speaker: Mark Horowitz (University College London / NHS)
Comment: Kristian Wahlbeck (MIELI Mental Health Finland)
Host: Soili Takkala (TaHo Need Based Treatment)
Dr Mark Horowitz is a training psychiatrist with a PhD in the neurobiology of antidepressant action. Currently a clinical research fellow at University College London and NHS, he co-authored the recent Royal College of Psychiatry guidance on Stopping Antidepressants and his articles about safe tapering of psychiatric medications have been published in The Lancet Psychiatry, JAMA Psychiatry and Schizophrenia Bulletin. He has firsthand experience in coming off psychiatric medications which has informed much of his work, including his interest in rational psychopharmacology and deprescribing psychiatric medication.
Kristian Wahlbeck is Director of Development at MIELI Mental Health Finland and a Research Professor at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). A trained psychiatrist and psychotherapist, he has published over 100 scientific articles on effectiveness of mental health interventions, mental health promotion and mental health systems.
Soili Takkala is the chairperson of Tarpeenmukainen Hoito ry (Need based Treatment), a network builder, and founder of the first Finnish peer group for antidepressant withdrawal. As a philosopher, she’s interested in the body-mind problem, medicalization, and the materialistic theories of mind behind the paradigm of biological psychiatry.